Saturday 22 October 2016

Every teacher wants to see the students performing well in the academics. You think this way because you make so much efforts in teaching the students. So, your expectations get high and it is quite vaild.

In the recently started academic session, you may have the same objective and maybe thinking of the ideas for the same. According to the educationists, developing a growth mindset could prove much helpful for the students in excelling in the academics.

Thus, through this write-up, we will try to give you the insight of some books that could prove helpful for you in helping the students in developing a growth mindset.

How to catch a star by Oliver Jeffers

It is the book that is specially written for the PreK-2 children. It tells the story of a kid who wants to catch a star. He makes attempt to achieve his goal and learns in the end that sometimes you have to be a little bit flexible to achieve the aim.

It is an inspiring story and kids could learn to set high goals and never ever give up by reading it.                                                                                                   

Flight school by Lita Judge

Half of your job will be done if you fill the students with the hunger to learn, that is ultimately their goal at this stage of life. This story about a penguin could be useful for the same.

In this story, a penguin has a dream of flying in the sky just like seagulls. He makes efforts for the same showing some creativity and gets success in flying.

Rosie revere engineer by Andrea beaty

It is the story that revolves around a called girl called Rosie. She builds a flying machine for her aunt, but she could not get the result she wanted. Rosie gets the feeling of failure, however comes to realize that biggest failure of life is in giving up.

Children from one to third grade could learn much from this story.

Nadia the girl who couldn't sit still by Karlin Gray

Nadia Comaneci is the olympic champion who was the first gymnast to get the first perfect 10 score in the olympic history.

In this book the author tries to show that she achieved such results due to the years of practice and determination she showed. The story puts the light on her failure, efforts and ultimately win.

Brave Irene by William Steig

It is also a book that you and your students could find interesting to read and could inspire the students as well. This story tells about the daughter of a dressmaker. The girl's name is Irene and one day she has to fight a strom to handover her mother's work to duchess.

It shows the motivation and dedication of Irene and could prove much helpful for the young minds to learn the same.

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